Εκτύπωση άρθρου

[message_box title=”New UI for backend template” type=”info” show_close=”Yes”]From the YT Framework v2, we support UI for backend of template. We hope this will bring to you the best gratification.[/message_box]

[message_box title=”Renew, add new params” type=”info” show_close=”Yes”] With this version, you will get many renewing, many new added params.[/message_box]

[message_box title=”Support shortcodes, bonus pages” type=”info” show_close=”Yes”]From the YT Framework v2, we will support shortcodes and bonus pages. Let click here for more info. [/message_box]

YT v2 screenshot

[columns background=”none”] [column_item col=”4″]

Template info & desc

[/column_item] [column_item col=”4″]

Template version & Framework version

[/column_item] [column_item col=”4″]

Layout setting

[/column_item] [/columns] [columns background=”none”] [column_item col=”4″]

Menu setting

[/column_item] [column_item col=”4″]

Theme setting

[/column_item] [column_item col=”4″]

Use special position

[/column_item] [/columns]

Main Features

  • Typography
  • Shortcodes
  • Bonus page
  • Support cpanel
  • Multiple Themes
  • Responsive web design
  • Integrate Bootstrap
  • Support RTL/LTR language
  • 100% table-less design, using html5 css3
  • Mega Menu, moo menu, dropline menu, css menu
  • Joomla! 1.7 Joomla! 2.5 and Joomla! 3.0 Native
  • Support Module Variations, set style for each module
  • Multiple Layouts, support override layout for many menu item
  • W3C XHTML 1.0 Transitional Valid; Optimize CSS/JS/HTML/Merge File
  • Compatible with IE8+, Firefox 2+, Flock 0.7+, Netscape, Safari, Opera 9.5 and Chrome
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